Use It Or Lose It!


Luke 19 26 “He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.


This is a plain and simple fact of life – use it or lose it.  The concept works as it did in the parable that Jesus tells with money, it works with friendship, it works with faith, it works with your talents, it even works with your physical body.




You wouldn’t know it by looking at me now but, years ago I was heavily involved in Karate.  I trained and taught Tae Kwon Do with Jack Scott in Cookeville, at one time I even considered opening up a school of my own.  At that time I could throw a sidekick face level and hold it there for as long as I wanted.  I could do a full split, I could work out for hours at a time and then go teach a few classes after without much trouble.


Over the years I fell away from Karate and it became less and less important for me.  Oh I still look back at it with fondness, I still have trophies in my office and my black belt certificate hanging on my wall from August of 1986.  But now if I tried to throw a sidekick face level, I would probably hurt myself in ways that would linger for years to come.  If I really decided to get back to that level again, I  would have to start all over as if from the beginning.


Jesus is teaching a lesson in persistence here.  If you don’t use what you have – it gets taken away.  It’s not only a lesson for life here on earth for day to day living – but also a spiritual lesson for eternal security. 


 Use your Faith!  Use your Spiritual Eyes to see that which God brings before you, don’t hide these things away because when the Master comes – he will demand an account. 


You don’t have to account for how successful you were in accordance to the worlds standards, but you will have to account for what you have done with what God has given you.




Father – Help me to use what you have given me in this life to accomplish Your good will and purpose.  Thank you for trusting me with all that you have.  I praise you!





I must yield what God has entrusted to me – my tallents, my gifts, my time here in this life – to increase The Master’s kingdom.

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